Route 66 to the Grand Canyon
2026 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Mother Road, the Highway known the World over by so many names but always as Route 66. As part of celebrations to mark this anniversary I have been commissioned to write a new style of theatre production.
Route 66 to the Grand Canyon is a new theatre venture inspired by the British theatrical tradition for end-of-the-pier plays, farces with jokes that incorporate both humor and local knowledge centered on place. RT66GC is intended not only for local audiences but visitors to a town, travelers not tourists. Route 66 is a living museum to that spirit of adventure and for some a desire to enjoy a great big scoop of all-you-can-eat Americana.
This is a play to aid your journey, to find out what it really means in Arizona to Get Your Kicks on Route 66. To achieve this, we present a new variety of theatrical event, a humorous, interactive entertainment, an immersion in place. A special kind of play for Travelers on 66.